Friday, 26 December 2008
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Senseless Persecution
Maybe I'm just totally ignorant politically or religiously, but the senseless persecution by the "Decaan Mujaheeden" is totally senseless, absurd and ridiculous to me. My heart goes out to the family of Ms. Lo. Not just because she is a Singaporean but more as she is a young person full of life and a future ahead ruined by this criminal style prosecution to be shot in the head and abdomen. The thoughts that went through her mind then...
Is this what they teach in whatever religious teachings? Exterminating the human race as their race and religion is superior than all other? Their "Almighty" told them that they are his loyal subjects of eternal life if they kill another person? May they crash and burn eternally.
May this serve as a reminder to us all that terrorism is closer to us than we think. Just because we always see the news about such events so far away and even though our hearts go to those affected by the senseless act, but this time it had killed a Singaporean. So terrorism is not in somebody's backyard anymore but it's really closer than we think...
Is this what they teach in whatever religious teachings? Exterminating the human race as their race and religion is superior than all other? Their "Almighty" told them that they are his loyal subjects of eternal life if they kill another person? May they crash and burn eternally.
May this serve as a reminder to us all that terrorism is closer to us than we think. Just because we always see the news about such events so far away and even though our hearts go to those affected by the senseless act, but this time it had killed a Singaporean. So terrorism is not in somebody's backyard anymore but it's really closer than we think...
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Waking up to see your loved one next to you...a simple smile, a peck on the cheek and a lazy "Good Morning". Enjoying a good cup of coffee and toasts while reading the morning papers leisurely on a weekday. Taking a deep breath of the cool morning air. Running a good run. Holding hands. Having late night supper despite knowing the evils of it.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Oops...I did a Britney again
Have not been blogging for quite a while. Guess I had become to lazy to go online nowadays...maybe age had been catching up and have kind of lost the energy after work to log on. Have become more a couch potato lately too...haiz...this is bad. Had not been going to gym as in the past...well I guess staying alone makes me just wanna stay home and laze around as compared to when staying with mum and pap (erm...not the men-in-whites...but some how grassrooted...haha)
Guess it's time to re-think, re-org and re-train...wah...sounds like the gahmen talking...haha...
Resolutions 2008, time for review soon but guess the report card is as bad as the current economic situation...first of all won't be doing the 21-k this Dec...Haiz...I did a Britney again....
Guess it's time to re-think, re-org and re-train...wah...sounds like the gahmen talking...haha...
Resolutions 2008, time for review soon but guess the report card is as bad as the current economic situation...first of all won't be doing the 21-k this Dec...Haiz...I did a Britney again....
Saturday, 4 October 2008
It was an accident!
Just saw on the news that the some MIW interviewed during some event and said that we (reads the commoners) should not expect that all the food products that are imported to Singapore be fully tested of melamine as the process is tedious and there would bound to be an accident to have such food products (reads: commoners food) be released into the mass (commoner's) market. With regards to the 3 Singaporeans who contracted Dengue from tainted blood transfusion (who ask them to be so 'sway'), it was an accident as there is currently no quick reliable kit to test for dengue or chikunghunia. So too bad.
Hmmm...ever since the 'bai kah' horse ran away from its 'security tight''s a regrettable accident seems to be the best-est and easiest excuse nowadays.
I wonder if ever I get myself in some sort of trouble, if "It's was an accident!!" ever enough to cover my backside.
Hmmm....maybe I should wear all whites more often...haha
Disclaimer: It was a unforeseeable accident that this idle coffee shop rumble got uploaded onto this blog. It was an accident! Really!!
Hmmm...ever since the 'bai kah' horse ran away from its 'security tight''s a regrettable accident seems to be the best-est and easiest excuse nowadays.
I wonder if ever I get myself in some sort of trouble, if "It's was an accident!!" ever enough to cover my backside.
Hmmm....maybe I should wear all whites more often...haha
Disclaimer: It was a unforeseeable accident that this idle coffee shop rumble got uploaded onto this blog. It was an accident! Really!!
Friday, 15 August 2008
我不知应该高兴呢? 还是感到困惑?言下之意似乎有著:“瞧!还是我们中国人的功劳!” 也许是我想太多了。

Thursday, 14 August 2008
Losing Thoughts...
Why am I always more impatient to people close to me than to anyone walking down the streets?
Because you are so dear to me.
Why am I easily upset by people close to me than by the neighbour next door?
Because your every actions and words matters a lot to me.
Each day it's an internal battle within myself telling myself to take things easy and not to get irritable over mundane stuff. I try to be at peace myself and not get overly upset over the smallest and pettiest of stuff.
Each day I try but each day I fumble and each day I try a little bit harder...
Because you are so dear to me.
Why am I easily upset by people close to me than by the neighbour next door?
Because your every actions and words matters a lot to me.
Each day it's an internal battle within myself telling myself to take things easy and not to get irritable over mundane stuff. I try to be at peace myself and not get overly upset over the smallest and pettiest of stuff.
Each day I try but each day I fumble and each day I try a little bit harder...
As the year goes closer to the end, the more I fear
For fear the next year come sooner
The distance grows longer...
Thursday, 31 July 2008
August - Tribute to Singapore I
Do not onto others what you do not want others to do onto you. Yeah so we always say. But are Singaporeans ready for the renaissance city? Oh, let's start to be a gracious city first.
It always amuses me what people do in public. Apart from the famous PDA (read: Public Display of Affection - yes those smoochy feely act that people do in public as if the whole world does not exist around them), I always wonder what went through their mind when they do what they do in public.
Just saw a woman munching on her burger sitting next to a sign board that says no food n beverages. It is really such great contradiction and a contrasting nice photo shot. Had wanted to snap this picture but oh well damn those non-camera phone at work rules.
Is it just ignorance or feigning ignorance? Or just simply defiant?
Am i amused by an ugly act or am i too law abiding that i forgot the fundamental rights of human? Oh well, maybe it is not just a Singaporean thingie but an imported habit? Don't the schools teach 好公民 anymore? Or maybe its the young monkey sees their old monkey do at home so it's okay to do it too.
Oops, did I just pointed my fingers unto others? My bad, my bad.
It always amuses me what people do in public. Apart from the famous PDA (read: Public Display of Affection - yes those smoochy feely act that people do in public as if the whole world does not exist around them), I always wonder what went through their mind when they do what they do in public.
Just saw a woman munching on her burger sitting next to a sign board that says no food n beverages. It is really such great contradiction and a contrasting nice photo shot. Had wanted to snap this picture but oh well damn those non-camera phone at work rules.
Is it just ignorance or feigning ignorance? Or just simply defiant?
Am i amused by an ugly act or am i too law abiding that i forgot the fundamental rights of human? Oh well, maybe it is not just a Singaporean thingie but an imported habit? Don't the schools teach 好公民 anymore? Or maybe its the young monkey sees their old monkey do at home so it's okay to do it too.
Oops, did I just pointed my fingers unto others? My bad, my bad.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Friday, 23 May 2008
All of Us TOgether Sure CAN - Thanks.Pardon.Ciao
Moving on is my last day at work and will be taking 2 weeks hiatus from work. Well, am actually kind of glad to finally got out of the wretched company. But just 2 weeks ago...when Sichuan earthquake took away many lives and families, the company had an earthquake too...the ED, MD and the BD Director are all leaving by July this year...woah...lucky I made my move 2 months earlier huh? Hmmm but the MD had the same last day as me, which means he tendered earlier...serving his 6 months believe he actually "try" to ask me if I would reconsider on a counter-offer or a job switch.
Oh well, wasn't really shocked about the news, rumours have it that the MD and the BD Director is leaving but was surprise that the ED is also ousted from her own company she started nearly 2 politics to the fullest...better than mediacorp drama!! Somehow these are all's only time.
Frankly I wouldn't really miss the people I'm working with...those foreign "talents" whom I've "grown" so fondly of and everyday I always ponder what are their talents? Skiving? Smoking out? Acting busy? Oh...the ever so difficult task of shaking their heads and not blinking a bit while they say things are tested and done!
Those I would miss are my customer and the users whom I've worked so closely with for the last 14 months. They, who see the worth in me and my contributions to the projects. They, who are ever so patient and understanding despite the problems due to the talents' incompetencies...and most importantly they, who encourage me to move on...haha...Well, I really wish them all the best. Thank you all!
Oh well, wasn't really shocked about the news, rumours have it that the MD and the BD Director is leaving but was surprise that the ED is also ousted from her own company she started nearly 2 politics to the fullest...better than mediacorp drama!! Somehow these are all's only time.
Frankly I wouldn't really miss the people I'm working with...those foreign "talents" whom I've "grown" so fondly of and everyday I always ponder what are their talents? Skiving? Smoking out? Acting busy? Oh...the ever so difficult task of shaking their heads and not blinking a bit while they say things are tested and done!
Those I would miss are my customer and the users whom I've worked so closely with for the last 14 months. They, who see the worth in me and my contributions to the projects. They, who are ever so patient and understanding despite the problems due to the talents' incompetencies...and most importantly they, who encourage me to move on...haha...Well, I really wish them all the best. Thank you all!
Friday, 16 May 2008
Double Standards?!!
Everyday I ponder as I walked out of the door from the comfort of my sanctuary. Do I look like the world owe me a living? Or do I just look ultimately unfriendly? I'm vexed. I'm amused of the reaction that I get sometimes. I'm not sure.
I wonder are those "red haired" foreign talents - read ang mos - really more friendly than me or locals simply loved to suck up to them? Whenever I get out of home lately, I psyched myself to flash the best smile my facial muscle can flex after a night's rest to anyone I see but frankly more often than not, all I get were blank stares or even the "see through you" look. But amusingly, the ang mos who just shared the same lift as me walking behind, would get such a big "Good Morning!!" from the uncles sitting outside the lift lobby.
What the f**K was that?!! What did they do that I did not?!! Was their smiles more "colgatey" than mine?!!
Everyday I wonder do I not smile as "sunshinely" as them? Or maybe I should greet those uncles and aunties ever so loving-ly and loudly next time. I wonder "Did the ang mos recently gave them a treat of donuts and coffee or what?"
Recently a colleague of mine just mentioned that I always make her smile when she sees me in office and I joked "Do I have a funny face?" Her reply was that I had a cheerful personality. ( very wrong of her...maybe that's because I'm seldom in the office to begin with.) I was like "Yah..sure" Haha...then how come I don't get to see the uncles or aunties smile at me when I walk out of the lift lobby every morning?
Maybe it's time to practice those colgate moments more in the mirror or to admit that sucking up to ang mos - who are indeed more 'tua kee' than me - are the way of living in this Asian society...
Oh well...we see such double standards everywhere...starting from the time these ang mos boarded our national carrier...don't we?
I wonder are those "red haired" foreign talents - read ang mos - really more friendly than me or locals simply loved to suck up to them? Whenever I get out of home lately, I psyched myself to flash the best smile my facial muscle can flex after a night's rest to anyone I see but frankly more often than not, all I get were blank stares or even the "see through you" look. But amusingly, the ang mos who just shared the same lift as me walking behind, would get such a big "Good Morning!!" from the uncles sitting outside the lift lobby.
What the f**K was that?!! What did they do that I did not?!! Was their smiles more "colgatey" than mine?!!
Everyday I wonder do I not smile as "sunshinely" as them? Or maybe I should greet those uncles and aunties ever so loving-ly and loudly next time. I wonder "Did the ang mos recently gave them a treat of donuts and coffee or what?"
Recently a colleague of mine just mentioned that I always make her smile when she sees me in office and I joked "Do I have a funny face?" Her reply was that I had a cheerful personality. ( very wrong of her...maybe that's because I'm seldom in the office to begin with.) I was like "Yah..sure" Haha...then how come I don't get to see the uncles or aunties smile at me when I walk out of the lift lobby every morning?
Maybe it's time to practice those colgate moments more in the mirror or to admit that sucking up to ang mos - who are indeed more 'tua kee' than me - are the way of living in this Asian society...
Oh well...we see such double standards everywhere...starting from the time these ang mos boarded our national carrier...don't we?
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Britain's Got Talents...Do We?
Have heard about Paul Potts for a here's the clip which made my eyes wet everytime I watch it.
Though we do have all sorts of talent shows locally with the most recent one where 16 male and female contestants shows off their...erm..."talents" in acting cool, cute , slutty and whatever. But well to each his own...I'll reach for the remote everytime...
I wonder do we have gems like Paul Potts locally yet to be discovered and be polished to be a shining star...Just like what Simon Cowell sums up at the end of the clip..."...where somebody who isn't a professional and has a talent and isn't aware of it, has a normal job and you see something else..."
Though we do have all sorts of talent shows locally with the most recent one where 16 male and female contestants shows off their...erm..."talents" in acting cool, cute , slutty and whatever. But well to each his own...I'll reach for the remote everytime...
I wonder do we have gems like Paul Potts locally yet to be discovered and be polished to be a shining star...Just like what Simon Cowell sums up at the end of the clip..."...where somebody who isn't a professional and has a talent and isn't aware of it, has a normal job and you see something else..."
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Commercial Breaks
张 - FedEx
Deh...Mumbai lah...India! - M1
Which is correct?
Or is it?
Deh...Mumbai lah...India! - M1
Saturday, 22 March 2008
而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休。欲说还休,却道天好个秋。丑奴儿 ﹣辛弃疾
Monday, 10 March 2008
Selamat Jalan
(Extracts from CNA dated 10 March 2008)
So he must still be in the country because he has
ORZ (五体投地)
The Police maintained that they believe he is still in Singapore as there is no evidence to show he has managed to leave the country. They also said there is no evidence that his escape was a result of help from others, although they are not ruling out the possibility.
警方是根据以下几点,认为他还没有逃离本地,这包括:他在逃离拘留所时,没有交通工具、身上没有携带钱或者是护照。此外,没有证据显示他获得其他人的支援,也没有消息指出他目前人国外。Huh? WTF?!!
So he must still be in the country because he has
- No Transport - cannot run away because he needs his EzLink card and he also forgot his car keys
- No Money - cannot run away because he is cashless and we are still holding on to his ATM card and cash card
- No Passport - cannot run away because he will need an immigration chop to cross the causeway or immigration at the airport
- No friends - cannot run away because all his friends have turned their back on him BUT there still some possibilities that he still help from law-defiant friends
ORZ (五体投地)
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Inaugural Flight

Was very grateful to have the opportunity to take the Singapore Flyer on it's Inaugural Flight. It was a nice experience but the hiccups and delayed departure definite was a damper. With unbearable hunger (supposedly to have food and drinks but there was not enough food to go around the 20 odd guest on board...almost everyone got only a miserable piece of 2cm x 2cm finger food) and basically not much to see up there as it's already dark and the reflective window doesn't help as if you don't stick your face (which I believe one is adviced not to) to the window, all you can see are the reflections of the cabin lights...haha...
I wonder if I would want to pay to go for another ride on my own in the near future...Hmm...not on my 'must-do' list at the moment I guess... ;-)
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
我笑了, 我又哭了
今天早上听广播,听著那母亲的焦灼,突然感受到她的无助,孩子失踪了一个晚上,怎么办,怎么办?半小时后,听众捎来了找到孩子的消息。突然感受到她那一刻应该是喜极而泣吧。顿时,我哭了。新加坡还是人间有温情的。 再看了一些MC的相关报道,我又哭了。人真的要在走了后才会知道自己有这么多好友,有多么受爱戴吗?想想自己,如果走了有多少人会想起我?
- 类似自闭现像,不愿与同事接触 ﹣checked
- 身体容易疲劳 ﹣checked
- 工作成就感低 ﹣checked
- 失眠 - checked
- 工作效率降低 ﹣checked
- 感情疲怠 - erm...don't think so leh ;﹣)
- 沟通澄清自己 ﹣谁不想,落花有意,流水会听吗?
- 了解自己的长处与短处 ﹣hmmm...
- 提升自己 - 越upgrade越stress吧
- 沟通, 沟通, 再沟通 ﹣哈哈哈哈
- 考虑传换岗位或跳槽 ﹣easier said then done 吧
- 假设情况恶化,公司需要给予协助 ﹣erm...上司会怎么看你呢?
今天早上听广播,听著那母亲的焦灼,突然感受到她的无助,孩子失踪了一个晚上,怎么办,怎么办?半小时后,听众捎来了找到孩子的消息。突然感受到她那一刻应该是喜极而泣吧。顿时,我哭了。新加坡还是人间有温情的。 再看了一些MC的相关报道,我又哭了。人真的要在走了后才会知道自己有这么多好友,有多么受爱戴吗?想想自己,如果走了有多少人会想起我?
Monday, 7 January 2008
My Love Will Get You Home
If you wander off too far
My love will get you home
If you follow the wrong star
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home
Boy, My love will get you home
If the bright lights blinds your eyes
My love will get you home
If your troubles break your stride
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home
If you ever feel ashame
My love will get you home
When there's only you to blame
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home
Boy, My love will get you home
Boy, My love will get you home
- Christine Glass
Friday, 4 January 2008
听到了MC King过逝的消息,当时在驾车,眼泪却在眼里打滚。真不知为什么,我从不曾与他们认识却突然想到了此时丽梅的感触应该比我更大,更难过。很多画面在脑里闪过,这35年里从身边逝世的友人都突然闪过。由其是CM,2年了,我真的还好想念你。和你的约定,至今还是我心里的一块遗憾。真的好恨,好恨。连你最后一个SMS也没有回到,你逝世的消息也是从国外回来后才从同事口中得知。
刚上了丽梅的blog, 我哭了。我想最近我的压力真的太大了。
刚上了丽梅的blog, 我哭了。我想最近我的压力真的太大了。
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